Saturday, September 1, 2012

Still Here

I have now obtained the use of eye tracking technology, so I plan on starting to post again. I've been pretty busy this year just trying to keep up with my two kids. They are growing up so quickly and I am soaking in every minute. That is one of the benefits of having ALS, I get to spend every day with them. They are such a blessing. They are perfect. As my hero Steve Gleason would say, the journey through this trial won't be easy, but it will be awesome. My body has gotten substantially weaker so far along this little journey. There are so many things I can no longer do that I used to take for granted. Luckily I have two awesome women to take care of me and put up with my crap. Thanks to my beautiful wife and mother. I could not survive without them, and I mean that in the most literal sense. I also have plenty of support from family and friends with a special mention of my two wonderful aunts Delynn and Deloris, who bring dinner every week. Every little thing helps and I am thankful for every bit of help. With respect to my earlier post on hope, there are many things going on currently in the medical arena, especially on the stem cell front, that give reason to hope. Additionally, many organizations, and even PALS themselves, are really spreading the word about ALS through the use of social media. The internet is such a powerful tool. Now more than ever there is reason to hope, to fight, to hang on. No White Flags. By the way, I typed this whole post using only my eyes. I can do this with the help of the Tobii PCEye. It is a pretty amazing tool. One more thing - if anyone is interested you can follow me on Twitter @STRONGWHENWEAK